Change is in the air!

Today is a the change of an era. We have been in discussions with Phyllis at Men Wear Bras about taking over that site, as she desires to step down from that roll after 14 years. it has been agreed that the forum that is currently Men Wear Bras will spin down on December 31, 2022. Current users at MWB have been invited to come over to WWB and participate here. So if you are in that group, welcome to WWB!

What does this mean to users already at WWB? Well that means you will see a whole lot of new folks around here and you may already know some of them. Please welcome them with open arms at they come on board!

I would like to take this moment to thank Phyllis for her years at the helm of MWB! She has done a fantastic job keeping that a place one that many to call home for discussing the issue at hand. There is a ton of effort that goes into maintaining a site. Maintaining peace, software, site issues, user list and finances she has done a wonderful job and deserves her gold watch, I mean gold bra! Thank you and best wishes and good health from WWB!